Green Shield Certified pest management providers use advanced pest management practices to provide lasting, effective pest control. Green Shield Certified’s standards offer the assurance of proven, effective pest control methods conducted by knowledgeable professionals.
Pest Management Providers can choose to certify their entire business, making all of their services Green Shield certified or else certify only individual services while also offering conventional, not- certified services.
Our certification is designed to help you stand out as an advanced practitioner of IPM methods and a professional with the knowledge and expertise to solve customers’ pest problems. The Green Shield Certification process is confidential, convenient, efficient and affordable. Our tested certification standards:
- Use advanced Integrated Pest Management practices, applying effective non-chemical strategies first and pesticides only when necessary.
- Use approved methods of application when pesticides are needed, such as baits and traps.
- Limit pesticide use to products that have been screened and approved by Green Shield Certified.
Green building standards and LEED certification often require integrated pest management — that’s why Green Shield Certified is recognized by the US Green Building Council as a qualifying program for its IPM credit requirements for LEED v4.