
Read what others are saying about Green Shield Certified

Are you thinking about getting Green Shield Certified? Here’s what our clients and supporting organizations are saying about Green Shield Certification and how it has benefited them:

Additional Supporting Organizations

Practice Greenhealth logo
Physicians for Social Responsibility logo
New York Public Interest Research Group logo
Collaborative on Health and the Environment logo

An Award-Winning Certification

International IPM Excellence Award, 6th International IPM Symposium, Portland, Oregon. The award recognized Green Shield Certified’s efforts to reduce potential human health risks and improve the economic benefits of IPM adoption.

2008 Pesticide Environmental Stewardship Program (PESP) Champion for the IPM Institute of North America, Inc., who operates Green Shield Certified. Named one of six “most dedicated environmental stewards,” the IPM Institute was recognized for its efforts to improve the economic benefits associated with IPM adoption and reduce the risk to health and the environment.